Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5 Superfood That Can Delaying Aging

Superfood That can Delaying Aging, Superfood

5 Superfood That can Delaying Aging - Having a healthy and fit body is a dream of every person, not to mention those that are old or young, many ways in which the majority of people to get the body healthy, fit and youthful. look younger and energetic is the hope of every person. You too can realize this hope through a variety of efforts. One of the steps are simple enough to get used to applying a balanced healthy diet.

The selection of any kind of food is extremely important as it can make a big change, especially in response to aging cells and keep the body from disease threats. Here, we present some foods that have a vital role as an anti-aging. Entering one of these foods in your diet list is a wise move to keep the body young and here are some superfood that can delay aging :

1. Spinach

Understanding youth is not always measured in terms of appearance, but also the stamina and strength. And one of the problems faced by vulnerable older adults is osteoporosis. As is known, spinach is the best source of vitamin K. One cup of fresh spinach supply more than one and a half times your daily requirement.

"The new study suggests that vitamin K can improve bone density and reduce the risk of hip fractures," said Katherine Tucker, PhD, director of nutritional epidemiology from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University in Boston.

In addition to maintaining posture remained robust, spinach is also good to keep your eyes healthy. Spinach is a major source of zeaxanthin and lutein - a nutrient needed for the retina. Compound, functions in absorbing harmful light before further damage occurs.

For maksmal results, add strawberries to a spinach salad. Both are rich in plant chemicals known, polyphenols - which makes you able to think quickly. "When people start to get older, the brain cells sepasangan is like an old married lover - as a result they are not able to communicate more," said James Joseph, PhD, director of the Neuroscience Laboratory at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.

"Polyphenols make the conversation flowing again by promoting signals between cells and helps them communicate and improve memory," he added.

2. Curry Powder

This is sort of a mixture of spices that are widely used in South Asian communities. Curry powder is usually composed of a mixture of coriander, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek (kelabat) and red pepper. In South Asian countries like India, curry powder is consumed almost every day and believed to have huge benefits, especially in helping to maintain mental health. No wonder if in India, cases of Alzheimer's disease is fairly low at only a quarter of the number of cases in the United States.

Most of the main ingredients of curry is turmeric contains curcumin, a type of antioxidant that has been shown to inhibit cancer cells. Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles believe curcumin could prevent Alzheimer's disease by inhibiting the growth of amyloid plaques - a type of protein that is toxic to brain cells.

In addition, the curry can also protect us from harmful free radicals, which attack healthy cells in the body and damage tissues and organs.

3. Tomatoes

According to German researchers, the tomato has a big hand in protecting the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. To prove it, researchers recruited volunteers who were given daily tomato paste mixed with olive oil for 10 weeks. After receiving UV exposure, volunteers who were given tomato paste has a lower risk of sunburn (40 percent) than those who consumed just olive oil. Compounds in tomatoes called lycopene trusted experts as the main actors who contribute in protecting the skin from sun oxidation.

4. Almonds

Almonds are the best source of vitamin E. Why vitamin E to be very important? Researchers from several prominent medical schools look at the impact of the vitamins and minerals that affect the speed, coordination, and balance in people over the age of 65 years, and the only one who can make a difference is vitamin E.

The participants with the physical performance of the weakest, most were found to have low levels of vitamin E, while the more agile participants have sufficient amounts of the vitamin in their bodies. The researchers speculate that vitamin has the ability to make the body stay coordinated, by neutralizing the free radicals that disrupt the muscles and nervous system.

5. Brown

Brown is certainly not the usual chocolate you get in the market, but dark chocolate or dark chocolate. Dark chocolate can not only satisfy your cravings, but also to lower blood pressure. Blood pressure generally increases with age, thus increasing a person's risk for heart attack and stroke.

German researchers recently found that eating just a quarter of an ounce of dark chocolate a day can lower blood pressure 2-3 points in hypertensive patients. By having a healthy heart, then your age would be longer and younger.

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