Often Stress Effect Against Breast Cancer

The women started at this time should begin to regulate emotions and find ways to cope with stress . Not merely can promote weight loss , stress was also shown to play a major role in the spread of tumors to other body parts .
Reported Body and Soul , hormones adrenaline and physical stress can alter the environment in which the tumor grows . Both act as ' fertilizer ' that encourage breast cancer becomes more widespread .
Dr. Erica Sloan from the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Melbourne , believes this could be the opportunity for women to be able to control stress , to slow or even stop the spread of tumors . Dr. Sloan is investigating whether the drugs commonly used blood pressure , also known as beta blockers , can also be used to slow the spread of breast cancer .

" I do not tell them who had cancer not to stress , it is a natural thing . Rather, we investigate whether the drugs commonly used for blood pressure can be used to protect women with breast cancer , " said Dr. Sloan .

He continued over the past few years clinical studies have shown that women with breast cancer who have hypertension and taking beta blockers better progress than other patients . No one knows for sure what causes their relationship , but Dr. Sloan suspect this may be due to the stress response associated with cancer development .

Using a laboratory model , a team of researchers at Monash University show that this is a major breakthrough . Even so , Dr. Sloan admits they are now working hard to understand how beta blockers work to stop the spread . " The interaction between cells and the healthy breast tumor cells are very complex , we tried to figure out where the ' components ' stress are , " he continued .

The team is now finding out which beta- blocker that works most effectively , without side effects , and can actually help patients . " In the meantime , it's good for women to keep away from the stress early . I'm sure the effect will be very good against cancer , " said Dr. Sloan .

Position Preference Wants Sex For Pregnant Fast

Joss - Chance of pregnancy is more influenced by the quality of sperm and egg cells . But if you want to get pregnant quickly , it does not hurt to try a few variations of sex that is believed to increase the chances of getting pregnant .

Although sex positions not directly related to the chance of pregnancy , but some positions may help the sperm meet the egg in the shortest possible time . This is especially true for couples who have problems or difficulty conceiving .

When trying to conceive , it is best to limit the amount of sperm that flows out of the vagina . Hips women also should be positioned in such a way that the sperm released is stored in , give it enough time to swim to the female cervix .

Here are some options suitable sex positions applied for couples who want to get pregnant , as reported by Indiatimes .

1 . The missionary position ( man on top or men over women )

The missionary position , or man on top is said the best position to get pregnant . This is because this position allows for the deepest penetration , making it possible for the sperm to be deposited closest to the cervix .

2 . Position lift hips

Elevating the hips by putting a pillow behind her hips , can also help because it makes the cervix accommodate much semen is released .

3 . Doggy - style ( rear-entry position)

Doggy - style position where the man penetrates from behind , also recommended position for couples who want to get pregnant fast . In this position , sperm is released closest to the cervix , thereby helping increase the chances of conception .

4 . Side - by-side

You can also try intercourse while lying side by side . This position also causes most cervical more exposure to the male sperm. Thanks

5 Causes Headaches Sudden

5 causes headaches sudden

Here are 5 causes headaches sudden - You often get headaches? There are several factors that can trigger headaches, such as stress and nasal congestion or commonly known as sinusitis. But it turns out diet or consumption of certain foods, it also has its own contribution to headaches. Here are five unexpected things that can trigger headaches as quoted by the Times of India.

1. Diet
Dr. Sunita Tube argued that in fact diet and the consumption of certain foods also can trigger headaches. One of the most common causes of headaches when the diet is, a change in diet by reducing calorie intake abruptly.

"It can cause headaches, especially if you are on a diet by reducing or eliminating carbohydrates completely. Additionally, if you skip a meal, this condition can trigger headaches. Fact that very low water intake can trigger headaches," said Niti Desai, nutritional consultant from India.

2. Content of Tyramine
Tyramine works by reducing levels of serotonin in the brain and affect blood vessel dilation that can trigger headaches. Tyramine, a type of amino acid that causes headaches. Tyramine present in certain foods, such as red wine, cheese, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, and certain processed meats.

3. Aperitif
A nutritionist named Dr.. Dube says that red wine contains tyramine. Red wine contains phytochemicals called phenols, which may be a major trigger headaches. For some people, alcohol consumption can lead to migraine specific. Other compounds contained in beer, whiskey, and wine also can eliminate the levels of serotonin - a hormone that can make us be quiet, which ultimately can trigger a migraine.

4. Eating Chocolate
Chocolate can trigger the development of a migraine because it also contains tyramine. However, women who eat chocolate in times of stress and hormonal changes are in the future likely to feel excessive headaches. Total consumption of chocolate can also be a problem, because in migraine patients are a high-fat diet, it is more frequent headaches.

5. Coffee
Take care for those who are accustomed to consume coffee every day. Dr. Nupur Krishnan, a nutritionist, said that coffee is a mild addictive substance and can increase mental alertness and concentration. Stop drinking coffee abruptly can cause headaches, irritability, and other symptoms.

5 Tips To Getting Better Quality Sleep

Here are 5 tips to getting better quality sleep - Lack of sleep can be a problem in the performance of work, sex life, and your overall health. For those of you who have always had trouble getting quality sleep, here are the steps you can take as reported by the Health.

Benefits Of Eating Placenta Can Increase Breast Milk

Benefits Of Eating Placenta Can Increase Breast Milk

Benefits Of Eating Placenta Can Increase Breast Milk - The placenta or afterbirth is usually buried in the mother after giving birth. But actually consumed a nutritious placenta can increase milk production and reduce postpartum depression.

The placenta is believed to contain many nutrients that are beneficial to the body. So if you want to eat their own placenta? If so, a midwife can provide it in capsule form, which is claimed to increase milk production.

Midwives Baddiley willing to treat maternal placenta into capsules. So if the mother bear interest, the placenta can be given directly to the midwife to be processed into capsules.

By paying 175 pound sterling (approximately USD 2.5 million), midwife Caroline Baddiley can provide it to you in the form of capsules.

Midwives Baddiley will collect the placenta of new mothers within a few hours after the baby is born. It will then cook it in a steamer, drain and grind it up into a powder that can be easily digested in capsule form.

The placenta is claimed to have several benefits when consumed, such as increasing the production of breast milk and reduced the risk of post-natal depression (postpartum).

This service is made personally and Baddiley midwife in labor once it could provide up to 120 capsules placenta.

"The placenta is a rich source of beneficial hormones and chemicals, that's why I thought to process and some of these factors can be returned to the mother. Benefit if they eat well documented," explained midwife Caroline Baddiley, as reported by Dailymail.

According to the midwife Baddiley, consuming placenta in capsule form is certainly more appealing and palatable than to consume it directly. Its customers do not need to fuss and feel the smell at all.

To undergo this service, Baddiley midwives must pass strict food hygiene tests. And after his efforts appeared in a television documentary recently, demand has increased 3-fold.

"The mother had to sign an agreement with me and soon after birth, they would call my husband and I would go to collect the placenta," explained midwife Baddiley.

He will take it home and cook it for 20 minutes in a steamer. The placenta is ripe then sliced ​​and put in the dryer food for 12 hours and then be crushed in a coffee mill to be ground smooth.

Midwives Baddiley also use the machine to put the powder into capsules and store neatly in a jar, and then send it by post to the mother.

"This looks like a capsule herbal medicine. A large placenta will be processed into 90 to 120 capsules," he explained.

Placenta capsules brainchild of American Lynnea Shrief Independent Placenta Encapsulation forming Network two years ago.

In the wild, mammals bite through the umbilical cord and eat the placenta immediately after birth.