Showing posts with label Aging and Longevity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aging and Longevity. Show all posts

Habits That Trigger Skin Age Faster

Habits That Trigger Skin Age Faster

Here are habits that trigger skin age faster - Skin is not only due to old age. Many people do not think that the custom of the day-to-day also makes the skin wrinkles and look older. What is it?

"Many people do not think that the habit which they fine turned out to be the cause of premature aging," said Mary P. Lupo, MD, a dermatologist from New Orleans, as reported by

Here it is a habits that make skin age faster:

1. Wearing facial cleansing scrub containing
During this time people thought that the scrub can remove the dirt on the face better, but according to Lupo, cleaners containing scrub makes skin irritation and eroded. In the end, the skin will look older.

"We recommend using soap without scrubs, or if you have time could use a bit of baking soda and warm water as a cleanser to remove dead skin cells," Lupo suggestions.

2. Frequent bathing with warm water
The habit of bathing with warm water causes the layer of fat that protects skin cells become damaged and reducing humidity. Body fat is going to restore damaged a few hours later, but as long as the fat is gone, the body continues to release moisture so that the symptoms of wrinkles.

For that, Lupo suggested if you want to shower with warm water, do not get more than 10 minutes. Washing with warm water it felt very good and comfortable, but if it eventually is not good for the skin

Jump to comb hair after shower
Usually after a shower, the next habit to do is comb my hair. Apparently, according to Lupo habits can damage skin cells and make rapid hair loss and even bald. Should trim the hair first before showering and better yet use a toner to strengthen the hair.

Face to sleep on my stomach or abdomen
Be careful with your sleeping position. If your face while sleeping face down (toward the stomach), get ready for faster wrinkled. "The force of gravity makes the blood flow drawn down, and the eyes will look swell.

If this happens every night, skin can lose elasticity and collagen formed eye bags that make a person look older, "said Lupo. Should try sleeping with a flat pillow. Uses pillow satin and silk can also reduce the risk of wrinkles.

Benefits Of Sleep, Boost Immune System

Benefits Of Sleep, Boost Immune System

Here are benefits of sleep can boost immune system - Sleep is very important for maintaining health during sleep occurs because cells repair damaged body. Some of the benefits of sleep for health has been expressed by experts, one of whom sleep was able to boosts the immune system, as quoted from the mayo clinic.

During sleep, the immune system (immunity) of the body will secrete proteins called cytokines. Cytokines are immune system proteins that function as a means of protection against infection, inflammation, and stress. Increased cytokines during sleep is needed especially in the fight against infectious diseases.

People who lack sleep or no sleep quality will be more easily infected with bacteria or viruses so it would be sick. The quality and length of sleep also affects how quickly one recovers from the disease if you are suffering from certain diseases. Optimal sleep duration sleep for adults is usually between 7 hours and 8 hours a night. While school-aged children and teens need 9 hours or more of sleep each night.

Although sleep can boost your immune system does not mean longer sleep will make you more sehat.Tidur too long will actually cause health problems. For adults, sleep more than 9-10 hours each night had been known to be associated with weight gain, heart problems, stroke, sleep disorders, depression, and other health problems.

Signs of Aging Eyes : Beware & Consult

Signs of Aging Eyes, Aging Eye
Signs of Aging Eyes

Signs of Aging Eyes : Beware & Consult - Do you feel the change in your eyes, such as eye fatigue, soreness or easy to see at close range or long-range already not clear? It will be good from now on be sent to the eye doctor and perhaps the signs are the causes of eye aging. Decrease in vision with age is often complained of by many people. Even when I was quite young also have many people who have started to impaired vision.