Benefits Of Sleep, Boost Immune System

Unknown Monday, November 5, 2012
Benefits Of Sleep, Boost Immune System

Here are benefits of sleep can boost immune system - Sleep is very important for maintaining health during sleep occurs because cells repair damaged body. Some of the benefits of sleep for health has been expressed by experts, one of whom sleep was able to boosts the immune system, as quoted from the mayo clinic.

During sleep, the immune system (immunity) of the body will secrete proteins called cytokines. Cytokines are immune system proteins that function as a means of protection against infection, inflammation, and stress. Increased cytokines during sleep is needed especially in the fight against infectious diseases.

People who lack sleep or no sleep quality will be more easily infected with bacteria or viruses so it would be sick. The quality and length of sleep also affects how quickly one recovers from the disease if you are suffering from certain diseases. Optimal sleep duration sleep for adults is usually between 7 hours and 8 hours a night. While school-aged children and teens need 9 hours or more of sleep each night.

Although sleep can boost your immune system does not mean longer sleep will make you more sehat.Tidur too long will actually cause health problems. For adults, sleep more than 9-10 hours each night had been known to be associated with weight gain, heart problems, stroke, sleep disorders, depression, and other health problems.
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