6 Foods to Prevent Dehydration

Unknown Friday, October 19, 2012
Foods to Prevent Dehydration , Watermelon

6 Foods to Prevent DehydrationDehydration is a condition in which your body in a very weak due to lack of water content in the body. When you're thirsty, drink a full glass of cold very tempting. Apparently, not only drinks that can be an alternative to the current merehidrasi body hydrated, but also food.

"Fruits and vegetables contain 90 percent water. Although the water level is not big enough for our bodies, but being a good source of fluids when you're needed, "said Roberta Anding, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Diet, as well as the director of sports nutrition at Texas Children's Hospital.

The following six foods that can prevent dehydration or foods that have a high water content to help meet the needs of both body fluids.

1. Watermelon
Watermelon has a high hydration levels, about 92 percent water. In addition, watermelon also contains nutrients beta carotene (a nutrient that would be vitamin A), lycopene, and vitamin C. Red and fresh fruit is rich in electrolytes sodium and potassium that can be used as replacement fluids after exercise.

2. Cucumber
Most of the content of the cucumber is water. Cucumbers also contain vitamin C and can make the skin brighter. The content of dietary fiber in it to expel toxins from the digestive system that improve digestion.

3. Wheat Porridge (Oats)
Make a bowl of oatmeal to increase your body's fluids. Porridge has more water content of cucumber and grapefruit. That's because oats can absorb water or milk used in cooking oatmeal.

4. Cantaloupe
Very high water content that can cope with dehydration after the body does not consume water 12-14 hours. The high water content makes cantaloupe fruit is very good for gout sufferers because it helps the expenditure of uric acid in the body.

5. Meat
The meat does not seem to have the level of hydration, but it turns out there is moisture in it. According to CNN, 4 ounces of steak grilled deliver 2.2 ounces of water.

6. Apple
Apples or applesauce have a good level of hydration. An apple contains 110 milliliters of water. Apples are also a good source of vitamin C and can combat cholesterol. It also contains many minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc.
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