5 Food & Beverages to Prevent Breast Cancer

5 Food & Beverages to Prevent Breast Cancer

5 Food & Beverages to Prevent Breast CancerBreast cancer is a scourge that is very scary for everyone, especially women. One in 10 women will develop breast cancer, which is caused by the modern lifestyle. To avoid this, start getting used to maintain breast health by eating healthy foods and beverages.

Keeping the breasts in order to stay healthy is not difficult. Simply by eating five meals rich in these nutrients, then you will get a healthy breast. The following are some foods and drinks that are important to the health of your breasts and is believed to prevent breast cancer, among others:

1. Broccoli
According to research from the University of Michigan, Sulforafana, are compounds in broccoli can reduce the number of breast cancer stem cells (which causes cancer spread and recurrence) in mice. The researchers also suggested that eating broccoli raw, since cooking or boiling them will only make the content Sulforafana damaged.

2. Salmon Fish
Routine consumption of fish oil supplements for at least 10 years can reduce the risk of ductal carcinoma - the most common type of breast cancer -, according to research conducted by the Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Omega-3 fats contained in fish oil are believed to reduce inflammation that can lead to breast cancer. You also can replace it by eating 8 ounces of fish (salmon, sardines and tuna) in a week.

3. Olive oil
Researchers in Barcelona conducted experiments on mice that menderika breast cancer. The mice were given fat in olive oil. From this experiment, the researchers found that olive oil contains antioxidants and oleic acid can reduce the risk of malignant cancer cells.

4. Parsley
Scientists from the University of Missouri found that parsley can inhibit cancer cell growth. Animals fed apigenin - a compound in parsley and celery - can encourage the body's defense against tumors and cancer. Health experts recommend that chopped parsley sprinkled on top of your daily diet.

5. Coffee
The experts from the Karolinska Institute found a woman who likes to drink coffee at a lower risk of breast cancer than women who rarely drink caffeinated beverages high. The study has been published in the journal Breast Cancer Research. In the research it was found that high levels of coffee intake per day is closely related to the decline in the risk of breast cancer or estrogen-receptor negative impact on women.

Some foods and drinks above is believed to prevent breast cancer if consumed regularly. so all the unwanted things do not happen to you, especially women, then you better start getting used to living a healthy and some food and drinks in the can you make reference to prevent breast cancer.

Good Nutrition For Healthy Teeth

Good Nutrition for Healthy Teeth, Cheese

Good Nutrition for Healthy Teeth - Dental health is everybody's dream, they want strong teeth without any holes, but if we can maintain our teeth with either one of them with the food we eat. Sweet foods often become the scapegoat cause pain and tooth decay. But there are some healthy foods that can actually be friends and healthy teeth.

Certain foods such as sweets and fizzy can be the enemy of the teeth. The longer the exposure and the higher frequency of food is an enemy to the teeth, the more harm to your teeth.

However, certain foods actually good for your teeth, here are some healthy nutrients that are good for the teeth, among other things:

1. Cheese
Cheese can balance the pH in the mouth, so that could be an alternative for dessert.

2.Green tea
Beverage known as slimming properties is highly recommended by dentists because it can kill germs in the mouth, thereby preventing the formation of plaque and tooth decay.

3. Shallots
Shallots certain sulfur-containing compounds which makes it one of the most powerful anti-bacterial alamin.

4. Mint leaves
Mint leaves good for breath because it can help fight bad breath.

5. Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds contain high calcium and can improve your dental health.

6. White water
Drinking enough water can make your body stay hydrated and also stimulates the secretion of saliva. Drinking water also helps wash away food particles stuck in the teeth.

How To Maintain Healthy Bones

How To Maintain Healthy Bones

How To Maintain Healthy Bones - Bone is one important part of the body that are vital benefits and functions, that can make the body and our body can stand and move. Therefore if we need to keep our bones from a variety of disorders or osteoporosis.

Avoiding osteoporosis by strengthening bones through eating and exercise. Osteoporosis is one type of disease that can be prevented. In fact, by developing and adopting a healthy lifestyle will help keep or mantain your bones strong.

Here are some ways you can do to keep or mantain healthy bones stay strong, among others:

1. Eating healthy foods
Be sure to consume foods that contain calcium and vitamin D in sufficient quantities.
2. Stop smoking
3. Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol
4. Sport

Bone consists of active networks are still being destroyed and replaced dynamically. Minerals play a key role in this process, especially in the first 30 years of life. Therefore, a good diet, especially when growth and development is a must.

Other measures that can keep bones strong is a sport. Bone can adapt to the pressure on the bone every day. So if exercising regularly and being physically active, bones can become stronger.

Some of the best types of exercise that can be done to maintain bone health, among others:

1. Weight-bearing exercise

Weight-bearing exercise has been proven to be the best exercise for bones. However, the level of heavy exercise such as aerobics and running quickly can cause physical damage and injury if done excessively. Walking is the best weight-bearing exercise that can be done.

2. Swim

Although swimming is not weight-bearing exercise, but the exercise is to enable many types of muscle. Muscles attached to the tendon attached to the bone, so the more often to move the muscles, the better for the bones.

3. Yoga and Tai Chi

When doing balance exercises, all the muscles, tendons and ligaments around the joints become stronger. Lack of balance is a common cause of fractures. Yoga and tai chi are two types of exercises that can help improve bone health.

If you start implementing healthy habits early in life, such as eating a balanced diet that includes vitamins and minerals, and exercise regularly, it will have more bones healthy and strong.

8 Foods That Can Lower Blood Pressure Recommendations The Experts

Foods That Can Lower Blood Pressure

8 Foods That Can Lower Blood Pressure  - Are you the one to own tension or high blood pressure? Maybe you should start now starting to notice your diet. Adopting a healthy diet and balanced diet is one way to prevent and lower high blood pressure and hypertension. Experts believe that the consumption of foods derived from vegetable (plant) and a diet high in fruits is closely associated with low blood pressure. 

Tips For Taking Care Of Sensitive Teeth

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9 Source Of Vitamin D

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9 Source of Vitamin D - Vitamin is one that must be met by the body, because the vitamin will be able to help with balance and health. One of the much-needed vitamin is Vitamin D.

Double benefits of vitamin D, not only as a reinforcement of bone but also prevention of various diseases is increasingly revealed. To get all these benefits, we are advised to consume 400 IU of vitamin D per day and 200 IU for adolescents less than 18 years.

Symptoms Of Ovarian Cancer In Women

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6 Foods to Prevent Dehydration

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6 Foods to Prevent DehydrationDehydration is a condition in which your body in a very weak due to lack of water content in the body. When you're thirsty, drink a full glass of cold very tempting. Apparently, not only drinks that can be an alternative to the current merehidrasi body hydrated, but also food.

Surprising : Benefits Of Popcorn For Health

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How to Maintain Good Eye Health According to Age

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5 Benefits of Eating Eggs for Health

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5 Superfood That Can Delaying Aging

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6 Causes of Irregular Menstruation

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Causes of Irregular Menstruation - Menstruation is a normal thing experienced by every woman who enters adolescence or puberty. but in the woman's menstrual period often experience irregular periods, menstrual cycle occurs on average about 28 days. Although it is generally accepted, but not all women have the same menstrual cycle, sometimes cycles occur every 21 days to 30 days.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation Occur

Causes of Premature Ejaculation, Premature Ejaculation

Causes of Premature Ejaculation Occur - Premature ejaculation sometimes for some people to be a serious problem, and it also led to dissatisfaction for a wife. Are you one of the men who have premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation which always or nearly always occurs prior to or within about one minute of vaginal penetration, and the inability to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all vaginal penetration with a negative personal consequences, such as distress, stress, frustration and or avoid sexual intimacy.

Time to find out the cause of this problem and the following are some factors that cause premature ejaculation.

1. Anti hair balding and prostate magnifying

According to published studies, drugs such as finasteride and dutasteride is used to treat hair loss for men and drug lords prostate can produce side effects such as erectile dysfunction and loss of libido in some men. Because these drugs work by reducing the amount of dihydrotestosterone circulating in the blood, the male sex hormone that helps maintain sex drive.

2. Diseases of the gum

What does gum and male genitalia? If a man is suffering from periodontitis, gum disease is a chronic inflammation and infection could potentially increase the risk of erectile dysfunction, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Gum disease is an indicator of overall poor health and has been associated with an increased risk of heart disease and risk factors for erectile dysfunction, the researchers said.

"Gum disease can be caused by underlying problems with blood flow in the gums.'s Possible that someone was also having problems with blood flow in other parts of the body. Such male genitals, for instance," said Dr. Bruce Kava, chairman of urology at the Medical Faculty of the University of Miami.

3. Wife is too familiar with her boyfriend

Psychological factors can play a major role in sexual performance. But new research reveals that a wife who would rather spend time with male friends than you can put you at increased risk of erectile dysfunction. The study was published in a journal of sociology in America.

The researchers studied more than 3,000 men aged 57 to 85 found that a man whose female partner is too close to his friends were 92 percent more likely to have trouble getting or maintaining an erection from a couple who are not.

The researchers say this is because of social perceptions of masculinity on young and middle-aged men. In men aged 70 years and 80's, all the associations disappeared, perhaps because older men have different perceptions of masculinity.

4. Bicycle

Researchers studied the relationship between distance cycling with erectile capacity, but the result is bad because it can increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.

The study, published in the Journal of Sexual 2005 found that four percent of the men who spent cycling at least three hours per week in the saddle erectile dysfunction moderate to severe, while only about one percent of the runners of the same age have premature ejaculation.

When you sit on a bike seat, you bear weight on the nerves and arteries that carry blood to the male genitalia.

"Over time, these vessels can be damaged, resulting in decreased blood flow to the genitals of men and the risk of premature ejaculation," said Dr. Kava.

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Signs of Aging Eyes : Beware & Consult

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Signs of Aging Eyes : Beware & Consult - Do you feel the change in your eyes, such as eye fatigue, soreness or easy to see at close range or long-range already not clear? It will be good from now on be sent to the eye doctor and perhaps the signs are the causes of eye aging. Decrease in vision with age is often complained of by many people. Even when I was quite young also have many people who have started to impaired vision.

Dangers Armpit Hair Shaving

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Armpit Hair Shaving
Dangers Armpit Hair Shaving - Do you often notice or care for your armpits? from now on I recommend to start watching your armpits thoroughly. Suspect if there is the growing lump without pain. It could be that the lump was a symptom of lymphoma. In medical language called Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL).

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6 Foods to Prevent Dehydration

6 Foods to Prevent Dehydration - Do you often feel thirsty, it would be better if you immediately to drink. When you're thirsty, drink a full glass of cold very tempting. Apparently, not only drinks that can be an alternative to the current merehidrasi body hydrated, but also food.